Friday, May 17, 2019

Colony Collapse Disorder

The sound on dependance topple disorder Denise Collins According to the National Geographic News website, the national making love bee population has decreased 50% in as m any years (Roach, 2004). Many reasons argon blamed for the decrease in dear bee verse including diseases and pesticides. Scientists carry given the decline in h unitaryy bee population phenomenon a name, Colony Collapse Disorder. musical composition some experts maintain that Colony Collapse Disorder is a nuisance and not a catastrophe, it is a serious problem adverting domestic passion bees worldwide. Colony Collapse Disorder is a phenomenon affecting domestic and wild h iodiney bee colonies worldwide.Basically what is adventure is worker bees be leaving the hive away and not coming back but disappearing. there are warning sign ons of a hive on the verge of collapse. Queen bees are seen outside of the hive is one warning sign of impending collapse. Another is juvenile bees making up the workforce. The juvenile bees are not capable of caring for the larvae. Bees also pass on not eat their own stores. Once a hive has collapsed, the hive appears to be abandoned by adult bees with young still in the hive. After a hive has collapsed, some of the bees predators, like wax worms, will not invade the hive (Eccleston, 2007). pic The New York Times, 2007 single considerd cause of this disorder is bees being infected with micro-organisms. These micro-organisms might be affecting the bees immune corpse (Barrionuevo, April, 2007). Most questioners are blaming a parasite for the heavy decline in the bee population. The parasite, varroa touch modalitys, is a blood-sucking mite that hitches rides on worker bees backs. Once the mites are in the hive, the female mites bury themselves into the bottom of brood cells. The female mites whence feed on the larvae and lay their own eggs (Bejamin, 2008). Once a colony is infected with this mite the colony an collapse within a few days (Latham, 2 008). This still does not explain why the bees leave and do not return or why at that place are few slain bees in the collapsed hive. just about researchers believe that since almost all the cases of Colony Collapse Disorder have occurred among commercial-grade-grade bee keepers that the problem must be with the beekeeping practices (Eccleston, 2007). champion possible cause is the use of pesticides on commercial crops. This could be a reason it appears that most of the commercial bee keepers are showing problems with Colony Collapse Disorder. The make to our everyday life would reach into all areas.First, the shrinking bee population would affect our grocery lists. We would lose sweeten followed by most fruits and vegetables. We would no longer have cotton. Animals that are dependent on grain would hump next. With the loss of cows, goats, and other milk giving live stock, cheese, milk, ice cream, and other dairy products would be eliminated from our diets. One would also h ave to take into consideration of the life saving medicines that are made from botanicals (Barrionuevo, April, 2007). Presently there is research being done all over the United States and the world look for a effect to this problem.A researcher with the state of Pennsylvania is looking at the possibility of an immune suppression grammatical case of disease that is affecting the honey bees. This disease is being compared to the AIDS disease in pityings (Barrionuevo, February, 2007). Pesticides have been considered for controlling the mites believed to be afflicting the honey bees. There are risks with using these pesticides. Keeping this in mind, researchers are looking for alternatives to using pesticides. One possibility is a fungus that only attacks the mites and not the bees. The problem researchers are faced with is how to familiarise the fungus into the hives (Roach, 2004).Robbin Thorp, an emeritus professor at UC Davis, has suggested using other bee species to do the work of the honey bees (Nielsen, 2006). notwithstanding others say that commercial farming has destroyed the honey bees natural habitat through weed innocuous farming and pesticides. To rectify that, new habitats enquire to be created and protected (Nielsen, 2006). Spanish researchers have recently announced they have prime the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder. The scientists are suggesting that the honey bees are being attacked by a fungus called Nosema ceranae. Through further testing of infected hives, the researchers may have also found a cure.Simply enough, an antibiotic has been found to be effective in curing the colony (Ford, 2009). I believe that to a greater extent research studys to be done to further evaluate the Colony Collapse Disorder. We need to make sure that all possible causes have been checked and rechecked. There could be more than one cause to the devastating disorder. There could also be more than one remedy to the problem. The jump event that take to be consummate is do extensive study of the both the wild and domesticated honey bee. This study of both types is to be done to see why commercial honey bee colonies are unnatural more often than wild hives.A healthy hive needs to be quarantined for the control. When a colony is suspected of being on the verge of collapsing, miniature transponders will be attached to worker bees to slash its movements. Every aspect of the honey bees life needs to be studied and documented. The first sign of a colony in danger of collapse needs to be documented. When a remedy is found it can be treated as soon as possible. This step needs to be completed as quickly as possible before it becomes critical. I am estimating a time trammel of 12 to 18 months to gather info, analyze the data, and distribute the findings.The next step is to interview commercial and hobbyist bee keepers and to record book their observations. Since they are working with their bees on an everyday basis, they would be more apt to see subtle changes to their hives. This would be like a mothers relationship with her child. This step can be done in conjunction with the first step. This step should take three to six months to complete this part of the plan. The third step is to educate bee keepers on what to look for in their hives. The bee keepers need to be able to recognize the initial signs that one of the hives is line of descent to collapse.Education will be the key in solving this problem. Education should be an ongoing process. There will need to be not only pamphlets and manuals to distribute, but the county agriculture extension offices need to proffer training to both commercial bee keepers and hobby bee keepers. This way the keepers can identify symptoms in the early stages. Flyers need to be distributed into the communities. The public can be alert of the bees that have transponders. The flyers will contain information on where to report bees that are found with the transponders.If this pl an is followed as laid out, a solution should be found within two years. The benefits for following this plan would be to find a solution and implement it to lay aside the honey bees. To save the honey bees would be to save our way of life. Educating the bee keepers will help to keep track of the progress being made. Communication with the bee keepers will allow researchers to track any new symptoms or outbreaks of Colony Collapse Disorder. Challenges for my plan will consist of not being able to control the accuracy of the data collection from the bee keepers.I would have to trust that the keepers are keeping accurate records. Another challenge would be to secure the necessary funding to keep research going for two years. The federal government will need to provide the funding for the research through grants. I will also need a moderate sized science lab to perform the necessary testing of bees and hives. Funding can provide for the lab or the government can provide us with a lab in a central location. The commercial growers need to commit to helping the commercial bee keepers with observations of the bees.When transponders are attached, commercial growers need to help with kettle of fish the bees that leave the hive and do not return. The commonplace public should become actively involved in reporting found transponder bees. Private citizens could be contracted to create habitats that are conducive to improving the numbers of honey bees. Flower gardens planted with plants that are favored by the honey bees and not treated with any pesticides can be created by both the public and the local governments. Colony Collapse Disorder is everyones concern not just commercial bee keepers or commercial growers.The global community should be aware of any and all evidence of potential out breaks of Colony Collapse Disorder. Information on the research being done is to be shared with other countries that are dependent on honey bees. While some experts maintain that C olony Collapse Disorder is a nuisance and not a catastrophe, it is a serious problem affecting domestic honey bees worldwide. The occurrences of Colony Collapse Disorder are quickly spreading worldwide at epidemic rates. This disorder affects honey bees and the hives. Honey bees are important for more than just food.In order to control or even stop this epidemic there needs to be research done on the causes of the disorder. There then needs to be education for the keepers, growers and general public. In the end, it is the worlds responsibility to solve this issue or hunger will affect more than third world countries. Botanical compounds used in medicines will disappear. At some point, the human race will have to face extinction. Lets not let it happen without a fight. Barrionuevo, Alexi (February 27, 2007). Honeybees Vanish, Leaving Keepers in Peril. The New York Times, Retrieved from http//www. nytimes. com/2007/02/27/business/27bees. tml? pagewanted=1&ei=5088&en=3aaa0148837b8977&e x=1330232400&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1245258136-9BkLxjVu7rXlI15p1S/g Barrionuevo, Alexei (April 24, 2007) Bees Vanish and Scientists Race for Reasons. The New York Times, Retrieved from http//www. nytimes. com/2007/04/24/science/24bees. html Bejamin, Alison and McCullum, Brian (June 25, 2008). As mystery plague peril to wipe out bees, scientists reveal our survival depends on them. Mail Online, Retrieved June 10, 2009 from http//www. dailymail. co. uk/sciencetech/article-1028560/As-mystery-plague-threatens-wipe-bees-scientist-reveal-survival-depends-them. htmlEccleston, Charles H. (2007). The case of the disappearing honeybees An environmental harbinger? , Wiley InterScience Ford, Matt (April 16, 2009) A cure for colony collapse. arts technical. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from http//artstechnica. com/science/news/2009/04/a-cure-for-colony-collapse. ars Latham, Marc (September 26, 2008). Global Bee Deaths peril Foods. Suite101. com, Retrieved June 3, 2009 from http//zoology. suite101. com/ar ticle. cfm/bee_deaths_threaten_essiential_ Foods Nielsen, John (October 18, 2006) Declining Bee Population Threatens Major Growers NPR. Npr, Retrieved June 10, 2009 from http//npr. rg/templates/story/story. php? storyId=6299480 Roach, John (October 5, 2004). Bee Decline May Spell End of Some Fruits, Vegetables. National Geographic News, Retrieved from http//news. nationalgeographic. com/news/2004/10/1005_041005_honeybees. html The New York Times. (April 24, 2007). Graph of states that are reporting colony Collapse disorder as of March 2007 Disappearing Bees. Retrieved June 17, 2009 from http//news. nationalgeographic. com/news/2004/10/1005_041005_honeybees. html Watanabe, Myrna E. (May, 2007). Bee Seige. Bioscience, 57(5), 464. Doi 10. 1641/B570516

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